Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's all about me not you!

I’m here to give you the dark secret about my job, you will find if you read me every week that it’s all about me not you. Stockbrokers are self center a$$h0le and you’re nothing to us. You will probably at some point fire your stockbroker and start doing the good think for your investment which I will reveal later than sooner.

So you think you broker is there for you think again! We will give you the impression that your are the center of the world, that you are everything for us. You will truly think that we work together as partners. My only partner is money, your money! Everything we do is for money not for you! That is the first and most important true about our industry!


At January 3, 2010 at 4:49 AM , Blogger pankaj said...

update plz


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