Wednesday, May 2, 2007

DivX, Inc. (DIVX)

DivX, Inc. (DIVX), A bad day for the stock, a bad day for my clients and a good day for me! I don’t care if a stock is way down, in fact I like, that mean that everyone who hold the stock would like to know what to do. And the best thing to do is do something( I need commission and they will give me commission). It take some pratice but after many years in the business I’m good at reading my clients. If I fell someone is really scare and fell insecure, we cut the lose, sell it and buy something else $$$$$ (2 commissions), If someone can hold on, we will sell something else in the portfolio to buy more of DIVX, it is a amazing price 15% cheaper than yesterday what a great deal! $$$$$ BIG DAY $$$$ Love DIVX


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