Wednesday, May 2, 2007

DOW JONES 15 000

Another up day, trading near all time high, this is the time to shake my clients for extra money and get new fish as well. I’m a full bull(honestly I don’t care what the market does I’m like a Hedge Fund making money in good and bad time), your clients need dreams, don’t tell them that market is going to 13 500 that won’t make them dream and be greedy. Use huge number 15 000, 20 000 25 000 that was is selling and making people greedy and when people are greedy I’m making money.

Call :
Sir the market is going to somewhere between 15 000 to 20 000, you need to load up now, my assistant just told me that you don’t have a margin account, that good news we will open one and leverage this opportunity, risk? What risk ? This time the market is different you have private equity buying everything and driving the market up. Remember how much we(we are a team he provide the money I spend it) lose with the tech bubble, now it is the time to make it back. $$$


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