Wednesday, May 2, 2007

DOW JONES 15 000

Another up day, trading near all time high, this is the time to shake my clients for extra money and get new fish as well. I’m a full bull(honestly I don’t care what the market does I’m like a Hedge Fund making money in good and bad time), your clients need dreams, don’t tell them that market is going to 13 500 that won’t make them dream and be greedy. Use huge number 15 000, 20 000 25 000 that was is selling and making people greedy and when people are greedy I’m making money.

Call :
Sir the market is going to somewhere between 15 000 to 20 000, you need to load up now, my assistant just told me that you don’t have a margin account, that good news we will open one and leverage this opportunity, risk? What risk ? This time the market is different you have private equity buying everything and driving the market up. Remember how much we(we are a team he provide the money I spend it) lose with the tech bubble, now it is the time to make it back. $$$

DivX, Inc. (DIVX)

DivX, Inc. (DIVX), A bad day for the stock, a bad day for my clients and a good day for me! I don’t care if a stock is way down, in fact I like, that mean that everyone who hold the stock would like to know what to do. And the best thing to do is do something( I need commission and they will give me commission). It take some pratice but after many years in the business I’m good at reading my clients. If I fell someone is really scare and fell insecure, we cut the lose, sell it and buy something else $$$$$ (2 commissions), If someone can hold on, we will sell something else in the portfolio to buy more of DIVX, it is a amazing price 15% cheaper than yesterday what a great deal! $$$$$ BIG DAY $$$$ Love DIVX

Bond investors (BAD FOR BUSINESS)

I’m a all stock guy, I’m not in this business to sell bonds(I’m here for the money!). But many customers want portfolio that are a blend of stocks and bonds. My recommendation less bonds more stocks no one on my book is under 70 stocks / 30 bonds, nobody ever became rich investing in bonds that is my line ( Read it I won’t make money selling you bonds). So what to do whit this low return part of your business. My friends, as much as I hate funds for investment in the market, I love them for investing in bonds! Competition is fierce in our business and selling bonds is almost a zero commission business. What I told my partners(those paying my 35000$ monthly mortgage payment): Sir we could invest directly in bonds, but that is to risky, bonds move up and down and if you don’t hold it until the end you could lose money! And to have a good diversification in the bonds markets we need more than 10 millions. My solution Sir is to go with a good bonds fund(read: paying me the highest trailer fee) you won’t have volatility and make has much if not more money that buy the bond itself. What you got here is a genius(ME) turning a investment in bonds into money(for me).

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Market finish up today, this is good for the Lemmings (Valued Customers) DJI

The Dow (DJI) finish up today this is good new, specially when it is more than 0.50%, this mean I can call my fish and tell them to buy more, be more active, they will miss the boat if they don’t act now(the true is I want a new Porsche and someone need to pay for that). People are like lemmings, show them a chart and they will think it will continue that way. You can show them the return of a mutual fund that as been up 20% a year for 3 to 5 years and they will want it, they will beg to load up that crap. They won’t even ask if it is the same manger that is running the think(Well he just leave for a another company, BYE BYE RETURN). The true people will always seek to do like everybody and to find pattern and follow it.

One new fish (Valued Customer)

I’m good at cold calling. Today I got a new fish (Valued Customer) doing my cold call. It is to easy here the script : Hi sir, you are losing thousand of dollar each year, you’re getting rob!!! Mutual fund company charge you high fee to manage your well earned money. ……. My interest are fully align with your interest (this part is funny) I want you to make money so I can make money myself!!!

Easy morning money

9:45 the stock market as only been open for 15 minutes and already I’m getting calls from customers asking why some stock is down or up. The true I don’t have a clue! It’s just the market moving up and down. The true is think like Buffet be in it for the long run. But I like that when you call because you’re to stupid and you focus on the daily fluctuation. You are easy money, I don’t have to work my a$$ your coming to beast and I will take your easy money. Oh yeah the abc stock is down today, well I think you should sell, I heard that this company will have a bad quarter, $$$ nice commission !!! And you know what, I have a amazing idea for you, our analyst said that xyz company will lunch a new product and the stock is going up up up! $$$ more commission!!!

It's all about me not you!

I’m here to give you the dark secret about my job, you will find if you read me every week that it’s all about me not you. Stockbrokers are self center a$$h0le and you’re nothing to us. You will probably at some point fire your stockbroker and start doing the good think for your investment which I will reveal later than sooner.

So you think you broker is there for you think again! We will give you the impression that your are the center of the world, that you are everything for us. You will truly think that we work together as partners. My only partner is money, your money! Everything we do is for money not for you! That is the first and most important true about our industry!